rasenfunk4Race Points Rule

Race Points Rule

The run rule concerns questions for which more than one answer is submitted and the order in which they were registered is of importance. Any correct guesses must thus be differentiated according to whether the position has been correctly predicted or not.

In the following example, the question asks the players to predict the positions on the podium, i.e. the first three to finish a race:

Example Race Result

  1. Participant A
  2. Participant B
  3. Participant C

Example Prediction

  1. Participant D
  2. Participant A
  3. Participant C

Three different conditions may affect the predictions:

  • wrong prediction: "Participant D" was predicted to be the winner. Since this individual did not occupy one of the first three place, the prediction is incorrect.

  • correct prediction, wrong position: "Participant A" was predicted to occupy second place. Participant A may not have come in second, but was among the first three (first place). Since the first three were asked for, the prediction is correct, if in the wrong position.

  • right prediction, right position: "Participant C" was tipped to come in third, which he did. This prediction is thus correct and in the right position.

This differentiation is thus also taken into consideration in awarding points.

Right prediction, right position

Here the number of points can be determined for each position:

Example 1

Points for correct prediction in the correct position 1 5
Points for correct prediction in the correct position 2 5
Points for correct prediction in the correct position 3 5

Example 2

Points for correct prediction in the correct position 1 5
Points for correct prediction in the correct position 2 4
Points for correct prediction in the correct position 3 3

In example 1, each correct prediction in the correct position is rewarded with the same amount of points, i.e. it does not matter whether I got the winner, the runner-up or third place right.

In example 2, 5 points are awarded for a correct first-place prediction, but only 3 points for a successful prediction of third place.

Right prediction, wrong position

Concerning correct predictions incorrectly allocated, points can be awarded absolutely or relatively.


Points for a correct prediction in the wrong position 1

Here only 1 point is rewarded for a correct prediction in the wrong position, independently of how wrong ones predicted position is. In the above example, 1 point would thus have been awarded for the tip "Participant A".


Point deduction per wrong position 1

Here the full number of points one would have received for getting the position wrong is reduced by one point per position that was missed.

The above race result and the point allocation as in example 2 would result in 3 points awarded for the prediction "Participant A". In the example, this racer was predicted to come in second. Second place would have resulted in 4 points, but Participant A came in first, so the prediction was one position off and 1 point is subtracted from the 4.